Owner and Publisher: IMZ Online Services GmbH
Address (editorial): Stiftgasse 29, 1070 Vienna
Domicile, Publishing and Creation: Vienna
Company registration number, Commercial registry: FN 562964p, Handelsgericht Wien / Commercial Court Vienna
Legal status: GmbH
Managing Director: Frank Schulleri
Corporate purpose: Operation of an online platform
Tel. Nr.: +43 1 889 0315
E-Mail: office(at)imzonlineservices.com
UID: ATU77385526
Supervisory and regulatory authority: Trade authority: Magistratisches Bezirksamt, Hermanngasse 24-26, 1070 Vienna
Ownership structure: Association IMZ International Music+Media Centre, ZVR 225254430
Graphic material in the section "Services": Designed by vectorjuice / Freepik